Na's Blog
- CSS: Element Positions
This article summarized the distinction among CSS element positions with examples.
- Javascript: Understand "this" and "apply", "call", "bind" Methods In Function Calls
This article explains when "this" loses its context in a function call, and how we can use "apply", "call" or "bind" method to explicitly specify "this" value.
- Javascript: Iterable, Enumerable, And Iterations
This article summarized iterable and enumerable objects, and the ways to iterate over them.
- Javascript: Closure And Factory Pattern
Closure is important for data encapsulation, and it is how the factory pattern is implemented. This short article provides simple language to understand the concept.
- How To Use Google Fonts With TailwindCSS
This article provides a guide on integrating Google Fonts into your project with TailwindCSS, including instructions for using them within a Next.js(version 13+) project.