Javascript: Closure And Factory Pattern
A basic example:
function outerFunction() {
const outer = "Outer function.";
function innerFunction() {
return innerFunction
const outer = outerFunction() // outerFunction executes, and it returns the innerFunction
outer() // Prints out "Outer function." - innerFunction still has access to the outer variable
There are two nested functions in this example: an outerFunction and an innerFunction. Closure happens when the innerFunction remembers and has access to the variables from the outerFunction's scope(in this case, it is the outer variable), even after the outerFunction executed.
This is useful to create private variables and data capsulation. One usage is in the factory pattern, the factory function returns an object that contains the public accessible interface, while encapsulate private data.
Factory pattern example:
function counterFactory() {
let counter = 0;
function increment() {
function decrement() {
return {
inc: increment,
dec: decrement
// usage
const counter = counterFactory() // 1 // 2
counter.dec() // 1
In this example, the counter variable is private. From outside, we can only see and call the data counterFactory() returns. (inc and dec methods from the returned counter object, in this case)