Na's Blog

CSS Layout: Flex

Flexbox is used for one dimension layout that can be optionally wrapped.

What helped me most when understanding flex layout is to think of flex items as ONE group on main axis - you can't set individual locaion for each of them on main axis.

After declaring display: flex on an element, all its direct children become flex items. Then you take these flex items as a group, arrange them on the main axis based on available space, and adjust their alignment individually on cross axis.


  • When properties begin with justify-, it is for main axis.
  • When properties begin with align-, it is for cross axis.
  • justify-content is used for distributing spaces for the group of flex items on main axis
  • align-content is used for distributing spaces for the group of flex items on cross axis, when the content wraps
  • There is no justify-self or justify-items because flex items act as a group on main axis

After declaring display: flex, the initial behavior of flex items are:

  1. display as a row
  2. do not wrap
  3. do not grow
  4. line up at the start of the container

You can control flex direction and wrap by setting corresponding properties flex-direction and flex-wrap. There is a shorthand for setting both: flex-flow: column wrap

Setting how each flex item grows/shrinks inside of a flex container

Initial value (flex: initial)

flex-grow: 0
flex-shrink: 1
flex-basis: auto
  • You can set these value individually on a flex item, or set: flex: initial or flex: 0 1 auto on it.


  • flex-basis: auto means using the item's width or height property
  • flex-basis: content means sizing is based on the item's content; For older browser support, the equivalent effect can be had by using flext-basis: auto and auto width or height together.

Allow items to grow, while larger items get more space (flex: auto)

flex-grow: 1
flex-shrink: 1
flex-basis: auto
  • You can set these value individually on a flex item, or set: flex: auto or flex: 1 1 auto on it.

Allow items to grow to be equal sizes (flex: 1)

flex-grow: 1
flex-shrink: 1
flex-basis: 0
  • You can set these value individually on a flex item, or set: flex: 1 or flex: 1 1 0 on it.